Michael, Jerry & Neva
Nizzi, Arthur & Patricia
Noah, Dave & Anne
Olson, Rod
Davis, George & Sandi
Davis, Mike
Fegley, Dave & Cathie
Grant, Sarah
Green, Chris & Belinda
Harrison, Penny & Scott
Harrison, Joe & Kim
Hassel, Larry
Hays, Nancy (& 2026)
Hill,Mark&Amy Anderson
Johnson, Heather & Tony
Keairnes, Mark
Kehoe, Theresa
Kenneally, Joe&Joan (2026)
Renda, Ginny
Sarcone, Stephanie & Steve
Shelness,Jon & Lisa Hamilton
Utterson, Steve & Teresa
VanPatten, Nick & Amy
Walsh, Phil & Sharon
Anderson, Bob & Kathie
Bailey, Bobby
Beltrame, Gina & Larry
Carman, Heather
Carter-Lewis, Linda
Conrad, Pete & Rachel
Membership applications for 2025 are now being accepted. Your name will be published in the next mailed newsletter and on the website. Membership dues may be renewed at any neighborhood meeting, mailed to your neighborhood association, or paid online. New members may complete the membership application and submit dues online as well.